Grouting your walls
Generously load some mixed grout onto your float, hold at a 45°, and diagonally spread the grout across the joints. Start in one corner and work your way up/down doing the wall in columns, tackling the work like this will make it easier to track what you’ve done if you’re covering a large area. Aim to fill all lines to the same height, you can clear out over-fill with a trowel or even a knife from the cupboard if you can.
Once you’ve finished grouting allow it to set for about 20 minutes, then get your bucket and sponge out and clean any grout spillage on the surface of the tiles. Be cautious when cleaning around the joints, as you can remove the pigment from the grout leaving white colourless patches. If this occurs, you can get some sandpaper and gently fine the grout down until the spots are gone but do this once the grout has fully dried. Regularly wash out the sponge in the bucket to avoid staining the tiles again.
After 24 hours the grout should have fully set in place, however check the bag for specific timings. If you’ve tiled a bathroom, you should not use the shower for at least 2 weeks. This is because they produce large amounts of water which can pierce through the grout, causing it to soften and crack and undo all the hard work you’ve just put in.